Kricky The Alien Frog

Posted on 10 March 2008 by genshi

Kricky The Alien Frog will be the second toy produced by GENSHI:TOY. We have been refining the prototype and coming up with new colorways! These colorways will be considered for the Series One version of Kricky. If Series One does well, then Series Two will have some special guest surprises!

Kricky The Alien Frog

Kricky The Alien Frog

We are currently looking for funding for this project and based on the success of our first toy, the Broken Heart Robot, Kricky is sure to be a huge success as well!

4 Comments For This Post

  1. Nicholas Vanian Says:

    So, when is Kricky being released? I’ve been waiting for this for so long… I’ve got a perfect home for him next to my Broken Heart Robot!

  2. Katsuro Hasimoto Says:

    very nice design! you seem good with this style.

  3. genshi Says:

    Thank you both for the kind words. I’m still looking for funding in order to produce Kricky. I’ve had quite a few people flake on me unfortunately, but I am now in talks with a couple of others that seem to be interested in the project and serious about it. I will keep everyone posted on the results of these talks!

  4. genshi Says:

    Quick update for anyone reading this… with funding received as of May 2009, Kricky had been in production for the last 3 months; and I got the word a week ago from my manufacturer that production is now finished and Kricky is on his way to my distributor!

    There will be an official post soon on the home page once my distributor receives the shipment.

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