Categorized | iPhone Apps, Music

iPhone Game – Radius

Posted on 05 August 2008 by genshi

Genshi Media Group recently had the good pleasure to have been commissioned by the fine folks at Pattern Making Co to compose several tracks for their new iPhone game called Radius. We are very excited to be working with them and look forward to a long and prosperous future in contributing music and sounds to their games.

Radius iPhone Game

Radius iPhone Game

The game is already out and available on the iPhone’s App Store but the music is not in it yet; should be in by the next free update (version 1.04) coming shortly.

3 Comments For This Post

  1. nicholasvanian Says:

    I really like this game on the iPhone but always felt the one thing it was lacking was a soundtrack, so I can’t wait until the developers update the game with your music genshi!

  2. Katsuro Hasimoto Says:

    i too like this but needs music. very hopeful for some soon.

  3. genshi Says:

    Yeah, I’m hoping they update the game soon too! The whole reason the [Radius] game was not updated in the first place was due to the developers deciding to boycott Apple because their second app, Cool O’Meter, was initially rejected by Apple:

    Of course, it has since been accepted and we are now all eagerly awaiting the update to Radius.

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